Happy Pi Day!

Happy Pi Day!

I love pie! I think it is my favorite dessert. I also love math, so Pi Day is a very special day for me. My daughter works at our local school district offices and she wanted to do something really special for Pi Day. She decided she wanted to give a mini pie to every...
Horses on the Farm

Horses on the Farm

| Written by Richard Gappmayer, Jennifer’s father, age 82 | Every farm needs a few horses, either to ride, pull the wagon and the cultivator, or to look at. My father had them for all three reasons as well as to talk about them with his neighbors. He had a real...
Sweet as Honey–Walmart Special Edition

A New Contest!

I’m celebrating 3000 Facebook likes with a giveaway! Forgive me if I’m a little giddy. It’s taken me a few years to get to 3000 Facebook likes, and I want to celebrate! I will be giving away my three Honeybee Sisters books on March 3. All you have to...
Jelly Roll Race Quilt

Jelly Roll Race Quilt

| By Allison Sharp, Jennifer’s sister | You have probably heard of a fabric jelly roll. It’s a bundle of fabric made of 2 1/2″ wide strips by about 42″ long. Here’s one sold by the Fat Quarter Shop.  But have you ever heard of a jelly...