Two weeks ago, a friend of mine went on a trip to Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. She took lots of pictures, especially at the farmer’s market there. I could definitely pick out the Amish people in her photos, but I’m not sure if some of the others are Mennonites, Hutterites, or even New Order Amish. Do any of you live in this area and could identify the religion by the clothing these people are wearing? Please note that it’s totally fine to take photos of Amish children and teenagers who haven’t been baptized yet. It is also okay to take photos of Mennonites, so I am assuming the women in the patterned dresses are Mennonites.
Amish in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
by Jennifer Beckstrand | Oct 21, 2019 | Amish, Farming&Gardening | 3 comments

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Thank You for this beautiful post.
Yes Mennonite ladies are in the pattern dresses. My deceased Mennonite Great-grandma wore the same prayer kapp as those pictured.
Thank you so very much for sharing the photos , Thank you , Now I know the difference. They are all such hard workers